Spares Procurement & Efficient Execution: The Blueprint for Crafting Memorable Experiences in Auto Repairs (Step 4 of 7) 🔧🚗

In Step 4, we delve into the crucial phase of spares procurement and repair execution in a garage, pivotal for a smooth repair process.

Spares Procurement and Repair Process

Order Parts:

  • Service Advisor checks stock availability. If not in stock, the Spares In-charge initiates the order based on the vehicle’s specifics.
  • Parts must be ordered precisely based on the vehicle’s Make, Model, Variant, and Year (MMVY) to ensure accuracy and quality. As evident in the picture below, there could be substantial difference in the parts used on the vehicle based on the MMVY. See the differences in the body panels, headlights etc. Such differences are also possible in Electrical and Mechanical components.

Importance of Correct Vehicle Specification in Spares Procurement

Procurement Process:

  • The Service Advisor initiates a Material Request to Spares.
  • Spares issues a Purchase Order to the Vendor.
  • After receiving the goods at the workshop, Spares updates the system and archives the invoice.
  • Parts are then issued to Technicians for repair.
  • Read the detailed Procurement Process here

Quality Assurance:

  • Spares In-charge meticulously verifies received parts against the Purchase Order, ensuring correctness, quantity, quality, and pricing.

Assigning Technicians:

Repair Process:

  • Technicians work on one job at a time, with priority given to waiting customers and repeat repairs.
  • The Service Advisor monitors progress and handles any job stoppages due to parts or outsourced work.
  • Technician utilization and productivity are recorded for transparency.

Additional Repairs:

  • The Service Advisor maintains effective communication with the Technician for any additional problems or damage identified during the repair.
  • If extra work is required, the Service Advisor seeks approval, ensuring transparency and customer consent.

Next up, in Step 5, we explore the critical phase of Quality Control, ensuring that every vehicle leaving our shop meets the highest standards.

Stay tuned for more insights into ‘The Blueprint for Crafting Memorable Experiences in Auto Repairs’ series. Undoubtedly, a proficient Shop Management System like Autorox can amplify the efficiency of this process, benefitting both the shop and the customer. 🛠️🚗

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